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The complexity of the problems is increasing with the dynamic nature of the market. In this customer centric market, organizations have to have a customer pro approach in solving the problems. The rational and linear approach is inadequate when it comes to solving the new age problems. To solve these problems organizations need to adopt a creative and an iterative approach which sees customer needs as a prime objective of the problems. Design thinking is a process which finds out innovative and unique solutions or alternatives to the problems which are either repetitive in nature or has been faced for the first time. It is a human centric approach which challenges the initial level of understanding and developing new aspects to the solutions of a problem. Design thinking is important because to survive in a rapidly growing world, one needs to find ways to understand the needs of the people in the new generation. Researcher relates the design thinking process to the management point of view in Indian context. Design thinking is not so popular in the management field in India. By this innovative process it helps in finding ways for redefining the complex problems and solving it which improves organizational efficiency. The research paper talks about the potential in Indian organizations to solve complex problems by design thinking approach.

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